I was one of those mythical pregnant women you hear about - the ones who I didn't believe existed until I became pregnant - the ones who have breezy symptomless pregnancies. Apart from a few waves of nausea in the early weeks (nothing that a fruit tingle couldn't fix!) I pretty much got through my pregnancy 'scot-free'. But don't start to hate me - I had my share of trials and tribulations - it was the whole getting pregnant bit that I struggled with, after 8 months of TTC I found out that I had (and still have) polycystic ovaries. Anywho with the assistance of my brilliant gynaecologist Dr Sam Sabary (the baby maker) and a god-send drug called Clomid - I became pregnant within 8 weeks of starting medication. I arrived at my due date on Thursday the 27th of July after 30 days of nesting, beach walks, cappuccinos and countless episodes of 'One Born Every Minute' (The UK version, not the US). I was excited, eager and ready to meet my babe. I'd spent the better part of 40 weeks researching, reading and learning everything there was to learn about birth and I felt... well... ready! I cruised into the weekend with anticipation and hope that he or she would be coming soon! I cleaned out the bathroom cupboards, the linen cupboard and made last minute dashes to Kmart for storage boxes. On Saturday morning I noticed a small fluid drop - thought nothing of it and got on with my day. That night it happened again, and then again on Sunday morning. I called the hospital and they suggested that I come in for a quick check as my obstetrician was already in delivering, I was advised that it was probably nothing and I could go home. I started to plan where we could have brekky while we were in Geelong... that brekky never happened! Upon being examined I was told that I was already over 4cm dilated and my labour was halfway over... (insert shocked face!), I hadn't had a single contraction! My waters were broken and I was in the delivery room faster than you can say 'yourehavingthisbabytoday'! I had written a birth plan and was pretty open minded for my labour - however I wanted it to remain as natural as possible. My open mindedness was quickly tested when I was told I needed the drip to bring on my contractions as the pre labour rupture of membranes meant that bub could possibly have been exposed to infections. My contractions started naturally prior to the drip being administered which made me happy - I was in labour! I used yoga breathing techniques to get through labour - I was surprised at how well breathing could get me through contractions! I remained active throughout my labour - on my feet and my knees. I can't remember exactly but the contractions remained around 1 minute apart and lasted about 30 seconds - it was a very intense and overwhelming few hours. I knew it was almost over, with each contraction I could feel the baby pushing down lower. The contractions had gotten to their 'maximum' and were of a similar strength and length each time. I knew what to expect from each one and my mind and my husband Ryan pulled me through the last of them until our son was born. After just over 4 and a half hours of labour we gave birth to a very healthy 8lb 12oz boy named Bass Harper Jamieson. I really did have a birthing dream team: my obstetrician Dr Sam Sabary, St John of God Hospital, Rosie Fitzclarence at Geelong Born and of course my husband Ryan. I had requested delayed cord clamping so that our babe could have all of that beautiful nutrients returned to him before the cord was cut, so he was on my chest having a cuddle before the cord was cut at a later stage. My placenta was collected by Earth Mama who encapsulated it and returned it to me the next morning in pill format - I'm still having these today! It's done wonders for recovery, milk supply and hormone settling!
Strangely, I look back on my labour fondly, it was such an empowering experience. It really is amazing what your body just does - it's almost as if the body acts before the mind does. I was proud of the strength of my mind and my body. Sure I had some battle scars but I have a beautiful now 4 month old boy to show for it! Morgan, Ryan and Baby Bass
AuthorRosie Fitzclarence Categories
April 2023