I was very excited to receive this lovely email from Natalie and Jeremy last week. A beautiful hypnobirth of their first baby. Congratulations superstars!! - Rosie Hi Rosie We welcomed our little girl Heidi into the world on Wednesday morning. She is the most beautiful little thing, and we can’t take our eyes off her. I thought I’d also let you know how my labour went. :) I went into labour on Tuesday night waking up with just mild bleeding and cramping around 2.30am. I called the midwife and she told me to come in just for monitoring and to check out the bleeding, she was confident I wasn’t in labour yet as I must have sounded too relaxed. So I had a shower, washed my hair and took my time getting ready just in case we needed to stay. It was all very relaxing, the surges had started to come in more frequently and by the time we drove to the hospital around 4am they were already quite frequent and I had to concentrate and breathe through them. We arrived and I was monitored for a good hour, all looked well and surges slowly increased their intensity. I laboured for a couple more hours changing positions and listening to relaxing music, and at 7am I started to feel the urge to push. I hadn’t had an internal exam at this stage, but I wanted to know where I was at, and if the baby was coming. Luckily, my obstetrician gave me the clear to go ahead as I was fully dilated. The pushing phase was quite tiring and definitely hard work. :) At the end, Heidi was born at 9.57am all healthy and alert. I don’t think there’s quite a moment like when you get to see your baby for the first time. All the pain and work you’ve just done is already forgotten. I only had a minor tear which needed some stitching, and the placenta came out naturally. Jeremy was amazing during the entire process, he knew exactly what to do and what I needed. From supplying me with water to getting all the equipment, massaging, face washers and communicating on my behalf, he did a great job. He definitely helped me stay calm and relaxed without needing any medication. A big part of what my labour was like is thanks to you and what we had learnt during our hypnobirthing course, so thank you!!! Incredible and powerful stuff can happen when the mind is calm and body is relaxed. Back to cuddles now soaking up the Heidi love. <3 Thanks Rosie. Love Natalie & Jeremy My name is Rosie Fitzclarence and I am a Registered Midwife, Registered Nurse, Childbirth Educator (Geelong Born) and Hypnobirthing Australia Certified Practitioner. To find out more about my Hypnobirthing Australia classes CLICK HERE I am based in Geelong and can be contacted by email by [email protected] or phone 0419170783.
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AuthorRosie Fitzclarence Categories
April 2023